Here's a rough comp done in Photoshop of a new piece I'm working on. I'm actually working on the acrylic painting right now. Once again, it's a cover picture but not for any particular story. She's some sort of Celtic-ish warrior woman I think. I haven't done many horse pictures before, and I haven't done too many action pictures either so I thought I would try that. I like horses in fantasy and mythology so I hope to put more in pictures in future.
Speaking of horses, I was back in Upstate NY visiting my family over Christmas and I was able to do a little riding. My cousin Sarah operates a horse stable and riding arena (handy!) so while I was there I got a chance to take one of her horses out for a spin. I rode for quite a few years when I was younger. I used to compete in English style and do some jumping. But that was many years ago now. I was so rusty and those muscles you need were really not there anymore. I definitely enjoyed it--I was riding a beautiful and big horse named Paris--but I was very saddlesore for the next few days!
Hey Cara! Looks Cool. Was this the one where my right hand was supposed to be holding back the reigns as well? I like the spear idea.
Yeah, in the photo you were holding reigns but I decided to use a spear instead. Yay, weapons! violence!
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